MATILDA Scenarios#

After calibrating MATILDA we can now use the best parameter set to run the model with climate scenario data until 2100. In this notebook we will only

  • …run MATILDA with the same parameters and settings but 2 x 31 different climate forcings.

Note: On a single CPU one MATILDA run over 120y takes ~4s. For all ensemble members this adds up to ~4min. The MatildaBulkProcessor class allows you to reduce this time significantly with more CPUs so you might want to run this notebook locally. Or have a coffee. Again...

Set up the scenario runs#

As before, we start by reading our paths from the config.ini.

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import configparser

# read local config.ini file
config = configparser.ConfigParser()'config.ini')

# get directories from config.ini
dir_input = config['FILE_SETTINGS']['DIR_INPUT']
dir_output = config['FILE_SETTINGS']['DIR_OUTPUT']

print(f"Input path: '{dir_input}'")
print(f"Output path: '{dir_output}'")
Input path: 'input/'
Output path: 'output/'
Note: We provide two storage options: pickle files are fast to read and write, but take up more disk space. You can use them on your local machine. parquet files are half the size but take longer to read and write. They should be your choice in the Binder.

To run MATILDA for a period in the future, we need to adapt the modeling period. Therefore, we read the settings.yaml to a ditionary and change the respective settings. We also turn off the plotting module to reduce processing time and add the glacier profile from its .csv.

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from tools.helpers import read_yaml, write_yaml
import pandas as pd
matilda_settings = read_yaml(f"{dir_output}/settings.yml")
adapted_settings = {
    "set_up_start": '1979-01-01',  # Start date of the setup period
    "set_up_end": '1980-12-31',  # End date of the setup period
    "sim_start": '1981-01-01',  # Start date of the simulation period
    "sim_end": '2100-12-31',  # End date of the simulation period
    "plots": False
matilda_settings['glacier_profile'] = pd.read_csv(f"{dir_output}/glacier_profile.csv")


print("Settings for MATILDA scenario runs:\n")
for key in matilda_settings.keys(): print(key + ': ' + str(matilda_settings[key]))
Settings for MATILDA scenario runs:

area_cat: 295.2763476500336
area_glac: 31.81370047643339
ele_cat: 3295.4765625
ele_dat: 3337.7120334796778
ele_glac: 4001.8798828125
elev_rescaling: True
freq: M
lat: 42.1831077450328
plot_type: all
plots: False
set_up_end: 1980-12-31
set_up_start: 1979-01-01
sim_end: 2100-12-31
sim_start: 1981-01-01
warn: False
glacier_profile:      Elevation      Area          WE  EleZone
0       1970.0  0.000000      0.0000     1900
1       2000.0  0.000000      0.0000     2000
2       2100.0  0.000000      0.0000     2100
3       2200.0  0.000000      0.0000     2200
4       2300.0  0.000000      0.0000     2300
..         ...       ...         ...      ...
156     4730.0  0.000023  20721.3700     4700
157     4740.0  0.000013  14450.2180     4700
158     4750.0  0.000006  10551.4730     4700
159     4760.0  0.000000      0.0000     4700
160     4780.0  0.000002   6084.7456     4700

[161 rows x 4 columns]

As we want to use the best calibrated parameter set for the projections we read the parameters.yml

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param_dict = read_yaml(f"{dir_output}/parameters.yml")

…and our forcing data.

Note: Choose either pickle or parquet depending on what you used in Notebook 3.
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from tools.helpers import parquet_to_dict, pickle_to_dict

# For size:
tas = parquet_to_dict(f"{dir_output}cmip6/adjusted/tas_parquet")
pr = parquet_to_dict(f"{dir_output}cmip6/adjusted/pr_parquet")

## For speed
# tas = pickle_to_dict(f"{dir_output}cmip6/adjusted/tas.pickle")
# pr = pickle_to_dict(f"{dir_output}cmip6/adjusted/pr.pickle")
Reading parquet files: 100%|██████████████████████| 2/2 [00:00<00:00, 14.30it/s]
Reading parquet files: 100%|██████████████████████| 2/2 [00:00<00:00, 15.77it/s]

Now we have to convert the individual climate projections into MATILDA input dataframes with the correct column names. We store these 2 x 31 MATILDA inputs in a nested dictionary again and save the file in a parquet (or pickle).

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from tools.helpers import dict_to_parquet, dict_to_pickle

def create_scenario_dict(tas: dict, pr: dict, scenario_nums: list) -> dict:
    Create a nested dictionary of scenarios and models from two dictionaries of pandas DataFrames.
    tas : dict
        A dictionary of pandas DataFrames where the keys are scenario names and each DataFrame has columns
        representing different climate model mean daily temperature (K) time series.
    pr : dict
        A dictionary of pandas DataFrames where the keys are scenario names and each DataFrame has columns
        representing different climate models mean daily precipitation (mm/day) time series.
    scenario_nums : list
        A list of integers representing the scenario numbers to include in the resulting dictionary.
        A nested dictionary where the top-level keys are scenario names (e.g. 'SSP2', 'SSP5') and the values are
        dictionaries containing climate models as keys and the corresponding pandas DataFrames as values.
        The DataFrames have three columns: 'TIMESTAMP', 'T2', and 'RRR', where 'TIMESTAMP'
        represents the time step, 'T2' represents the mean daily temperature (K), and 'RRR' represents the mean
        daily precipitation (mm/day).
    scenarios = {}
    for s in scenario_nums:
        s = 'SSP' + str(s)
        scenarios[s] = {}
        for m in tas[s].columns:
            model = pd.DataFrame({'T2': tas[s][m],
                                  'RRR': pr[s][m]})
            model = model.reset_index()
            mod_dict = {m: model.rename(columns={'time': 'TIMESTAMP'})}
    return scenarios

scenarios = create_scenario_dict(tas, pr, [2, 5])

print("Storing MATILDA scenario input dataframes on disk...")
dict_to_parquet(scenarios, f"{dir_output}cmip6/adjusted/matilda_scenario_input_parquet")

# dict_to_pickle(scenarios, f"{dir_output}cmip6/adjusted/matilda_scenario_input.pickle")
Storing MATILDA scenario input dataframes on disk...
Writing parquet files: 100%|██████████████████████| 2/2 [00:03<00:00,  1.88s/it]

Running MATILDA for all climate projections#

Now that we are set up we need to run MATILDA for every CMIP6 model and both scenarios. This adds up to 62 model runs at ~4s each on a single core. SO you can either start the bulk processor and have a break or download data and notebook to run it on more cores on a local computer.

Note: Don't be confused by the status bar. It only updates after one full scenario is processed.
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## Run Matilda in a loop (takes a while - have a coffee)

from matilda.core import matilda_simulation
from tqdm import tqdm
import contextlib
import os
from multiprocessing import Pool
from functools import partial

class MatildaBulkProcessor:
    A class to run multiple MATILDA simulations for different input scenarios and models in single or multi-processing
    mode and store the results in a dictionary.
    scenarios : dict
        A dictionary with scenario names as keys and a dictionary of climate models as values.
    matilda_settings : dict
        A dictionary of MATILDA settings.
    matilda_parameters : dict
        A dictionary of MATILDA parameter values.
        Runs the MATILDA simulations for the scenarios and models in single-processing mode and returns a dictionary
        of results.
        Runs the MATILDA simulations for the scenarios and models in multi-processing mode and returns a dictionary
        of results.
    matilda_headless(df, matilda_settings, matilda_parameters):
        A helper function to run a single MATILDA simulation given a dataframe, MATILDA settings and parameter

    def __init__(self, scenarios, matilda_settings, matilda_parameters):
        scenarios : dict
            A dictionary with scenario names as keys and a dictionary of models as values.
        matilda_settings : dict
            A dictionary of MATILDA settings.
        matilda_parameters : dict
            A dictionary of MATILDA parameter values.

        self.scenarios = scenarios
        self.matilda_settings = matilda_settings
        self.matilda_parameters = matilda_parameters

    def matilda_headless(df, matilda_settings, matilda_parameters):
        A helper function to run a single MATILDA simulation given a dataframe, MATILDA settings and parameter
        df : pandas.DataFrame
            The input dataframe for the MATILDA simulation.
        matilda_settings : dict
            A dictionary of MATILDA settings.
        matilda_parameters : dict
            A dictionary of MATILDA parameter values.
            A dictionary containing the MATILDA model output and glacier rescaling factor.

        with open(os.devnull, 'w') as devnull:
            with contextlib.redirect_stdout(devnull):
                output = matilda_simulation(df, **matilda_settings, parameter_set=matilda_parameters)
        return {'model_output': output[0], 'glacier_rescaling': output[5]}

    def run_single_process(self):
        Runs the MATILDA simulations for the scenarios and models in single-processing mode and returns a dictionary
        of results.
            A dictionary of MATILDA simulation results.

        out_dict = {}  # Create an empty dictionary to store the outputs
        # Loop over the scenarios with progress bar
        for scenario in self.scenarios.keys():
            model_dict = {}  # Create an empty dictionary to store the model outputs
            # Loop over the models with progress bar
            for model in tqdm(self.scenarios[scenario].keys(), desc=scenario):
                # Get the dataframe for the current scenario and model
                df = self.scenarios[scenario][model]
                # Run the model simulation and get the output while suppressing prints
                model_output = self.matilda_headless(df, self.matilda_settings, self.matilda_parameters)
                # Store the list of output in the model dictionary
                model_dict[model] = model_output
            # Store the model dictionary in the scenario dictionary
            out_dict[scenario] = model_dict
        return out_dict

    def run_multi_process(self):
        Runs the MATILDA simulations for the scenarios and models in multi-processing mode and returns a dictionary
        of results.
            A dictionary of MATILDA simulation results.

        out_dict = {}  # Create an empty dictionary to store the outputs
        with Pool() as pool:
            # Loop over the scenarios with progress bar
            for scenario in tqdm(self.scenarios.keys(), desc="Scenarios SSP2 and SSP5"):
                model_dict = {}  # Create an empty dictionary to store the model outputs
                # Loop over the models with progress bar
                model_list = [self.scenarios[scenario][m] for m in self.scenarios[scenario].keys()]
                for model, model_output in zip(self.scenarios[scenario],
                        partial(self.matilda_headless, matilda_settings=self.matilda_settings,
                                matilda_parameters=self.matilda_parameters), model_list)):
                    model_dict[model] = model_output
                # Store the model dictionary in the scenario dictionary
                out_dict[scenario] = model_dict

        return out_dict

matilda_bulk = MatildaBulkProcessor(scenarios, matilda_settings, param_dict)
# matilda_scenarios = matilda_bulk.run_single_process()
matilda_scenarios = matilda_bulk.run_multi_process()

print("Storing MATILDA scenario outputs on disk...")
dict_to_parquet(matilda_scenarios, f"{dir_output}cmip6/adjusted/matilda_scenarios_parquet")

# dict_to_pickle(matilda_scenarios, test_dir + 'adjusted/matilda_scenarios.pickle')
Scenarios SSP2 and SSP5: 100%|███████████████████| 2/2 [04:36<00:00, 138.37s/it]
Storing MATILDA scenario outputs on disk...
Writing parquet files: 100%|██████████████████████| 2/2 [00:26<00:00, 13.44s/it]

The results is a large nested dictionary with 62 x 2 dataframes of MATILDA outputs. To have a look at the results, continue with Notebook 6.