Catchment delineation#

We start our workflow by downloading all the static data we need. In this notebook we will

  1. …download a Digital Elevation Model (DEM) for hydrologic applications,

  2. delineate the catchment and determine the catchment area using your reference position (e.g. the location of your gauging station) as the “pouring point”,

  3. …identify all glaciers within the catchment and download the glacier outlines and ice thicknesses,

  4. …create a glacier profile based on elevation zones.

The DEM will be downloaded from Google Earth Engine (GEE). The default is the [MERIT DEM] (, but you can use any DEM available in the Google Earth Engine Data Catalog ( by specifying it in the config.ini file.

Let’s start by importing the necessary packages and defining functions/constants.

First of all, the Google Earth Engine (GEE) access must be initialized. If this is the first time you run the notebook on this machine, you need to authenticate. When using you need to authenticate every time a new session has been launched. Follow the instructions on screen or see the guide in → Notebook 0.

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import ee

# initialize GEE at the beginning of session
except Exception as e:
    ee.Authenticate()         # authenticate when using GEE for the first time

Now we will read some settings from the config.ini file:

  • input/output folders for data imports and downloads

  • filenames (DEM, GeoPackage)

  • coordinates of the defined “pouring” point (Lat/Long)

  • chosen DEM from GEE data catalog

  • show/hide GEE map in notebooks

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import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import configparser
import ast
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import scienceplots

# read local config.ini file
config = configparser.ConfigParser()'config.ini')

# get file config from config.ini
output_folder = config['FILE_SETTINGS']['DIR_OUTPUT']
figures_folder = config['FILE_SETTINGS']['DIR_FIGURES']
filename = output_folder + config['FILE_SETTINGS']['DEM_FILENAME']
output_gpkg = output_folder + config['FILE_SETTINGS']['GPKG_NAME']

# get used GEE DEM, coords and other settings
dem_config = ast.literal_eval(config['CONFIG']['DEM'])
y, x = ast.literal_eval(config['CONFIG']['COORDS'])
show_map = config.getboolean('CONFIG','SHOW_MAP')

# get style for matplotlib plots
plt_style = ast.literal_eval(config['CONFIG']['PLOT_STYLE'])

# print config data
print(f'Used DEM: {dem_config[3]}')
print(f'Coordinates of discharge point: Lat {y}, Lon {x}')
Used DEM: MERIT 30m
Coordinates of discharge point: Lat 42.300264, Lon 78.091444

Start GEE and download DEM#

Once we are set up, we can start working with the data. Let’s start with the base map, if enabled in config.ini. The map can be used to follow the steps as more layers are added throughout the notebook.

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import geemap

if show_map:
    Map = geemap.Map()
    print("Map view disabled in config.ini")

Now we can add the DEM from the GEE catalog and add it as a new layer to the map.

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if dem_config[0] == 'Image':
    image = ee.Image(dem_config[1]).select(dem_config[2])
elif dem_config[0] == 'ImageCollection':
    image = ee.ImageCollection(dem_config[1]).select(dem_config[2]).mosaic()

if show_map:
    srtm_vis = { 'bands': dem_config[2],
                 'min': 0,
                 'max': 6000,
                'palette': ['000000', '478FCD', '86C58E', 'AFC35E', '8F7131','B78D4F', 'E2B8A6', 'FFFFFF']

    Map.addLayer(image, srtm_vis, dem_config[3], True, 0.7)

Next, we add the configured discharge point to the map and generate a 40km buffer box.

Note: Please check whether the default box covers your research area. Alternatively, you can adjust the box manually. The catchment area will be cropped if the selected box is too small.
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point = ee.Geometry.Point(x,y)
box = point.buffer(40000).bounds()

if show_map:
    Map.addLayer(point,{'color': 'blue'},'Discharge Point')
    Map.addLayer(box,{'color': 'grey'},'Catchment Area', True, 0.7)
    Map.centerObject(box, zoom=9)

The discharge point (marker) and box (polygon/rectangle) can also be added manually to the map above. If features have been drawn, they will overrule the configured discharge point and automatically created box.

Restart Point #1

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if show_map:
    for feature in Map.draw_features:
        f_type = feature.getInfo()['geometry']['type']
        if f_type == 'Point':
            point = feature.geometry()
            print("Manually set pouring point will be considered")
        elif f_type == 'Polygon':
            box = feature.geometry()
            print("Manually drawn box will be considered")

Now we can export the DEM as a .tif file for the selected extent to the output folder. Depending on the size of the selected area, this might take a while for processing and downloading.

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import xarray as xr
import rioxarray

    print('Get GEE data as Xarray...')
    ic = ee.ImageCollection(image)
    ds = xr.open_dataset(
    print('Prepare Xarray for GeoTiff conversion...')
    ds_t = ds.isel(time=0).drop_vars("time").transpose()"lon", "lat", inplace=True)

    print('Save DEM as GeoTiff...')
    print('DEM successfully saved at', filename)
    print('Error during Xarray routine. Try direct download from GEE...')
    geemap.ee_export_image(image, filename=filename, scale=30, region=box, file_per_band=False)
Get GEE data as Xarray...
Prepare Xarray for GeoTiff conversion...
Save DEM as GeoTiff...
DEM successfully saved at output/dem_gee.tif

Catchment deliniation#

Based on the downloaded DEM file, we can calculate a catchment area using the pysheds library. The result will be a raster and displayed at the end of this section.

The full documentation of the pysheds module can be found here.

Note: The catchment delineation involves several steps with large array operations and can take a moment.
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# GIS packages
from pysheds.grid import Grid
import fiona

# load DEM
DEM_file = filename
grid = Grid.from_raster(DEM_file)
dem = grid.read_raster(DEM_file)
print("DEM loaded.")
DEM loaded.
CPU times: user 906 ms, sys: 140 ms, total: 1.05 s
Wall time: 1.33 s
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# Fill depressions in DEM
print("Fill depressions in DEM...")
flooded_dem = grid.fill_depressions(dem)
# Resolve flats in DEM
print("Resolve flats in DEM...")
inflated_dem = grid.resolve_flats(flooded_dem)

# Specify directional mapping
#N    NE    E    SE    S    SW    W    NW
dirmap = (64, 128, 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32)
# Compute flow directions
print("Compute flow directions...")
fdir = grid.flowdir(inflated_dem, dirmap=dirmap)
#catch = grid.catchment(x=x, y=y, fdir=fdir, dirmap=dirmap, xytype='coordinate')
# Compute accumulation
print("Compute accumulation...")
acc = grid.accumulation(fdir)
# Snap pour point to high accumulation cell
x_snap, y_snap = grid.snap_to_mask(acc > 1000, (x, y))
# Delineate the catchment
print("Delineate the catchment...")
catch = grid.catchment(x=x_snap, y=y_snap, fdir=fdir, xytype='coordinate')
# Clip the DEM to the catchment
print("Clip the DEM to the catchment...")
clipped_catch = grid.view(catch)
print("Processing completed.")
Fill depressions in DEM...
Resolve flats in DEM...
Compute flow directions...
Compute accumulation...
Delineate the catchment...
Clip the DEM to the catchment...
Processing completed.
CPU times: user 1.06 s, sys: 36.1 ms, total: 1.1 s
Wall time: 1.08 s

Now let’s have a look at the catchment area.

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#Define a function to plot the digital elevation model
def plotFigure(data, label, cmap='Blues'):
    plt.imshow(data, extent=grid.extent, cmap=cmap)

demView = grid.view(dem, nodata=np.nan)
plotFigure(demView,'Elevation in Meters',cmap='terrain')

For the following steps we need the catchment outline as a polygon. Thus, we convert the raster to a polygon and save both in a geopackage to the output folder. From these files, we can already calculate important catchment statistics needed for the glacio-hydrological model in Notebook 4.

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from shapely.geometry import Polygon, shape
from shapely.ops import transform
import pyproj

# Create shapefile and save it
shapes = grid.polygonize()

schema = {
    'geometry': 'Polygon',
    'properties': {'LABEL': 'float:16'}

catchment_shape = {}
layer_name = 'catchment_orig'
with, 'w',
                #driver='ESRI Shapefile',#
                schema=schema) as c:
    i = 0
    for shape, value in shapes:
        catchment_shape = shape
        rec = {}
        rec['geometry'] = shape
        rec['properties'] = {'LABEL' : str(value)}
        rec['id'] = str(i)
        i += 1 

print(f"Layer '{layer_name}' added to GeoPackage '{output_gpkg}'\n")
catchment_bounds = [int(np.nanmin(demView)),int(np.nanmax(demView))]
ele_cat = float(np.nanmean(demView))
print(f"Catchment elevation ranges from {catchment_bounds[0]} m to {catchment_bounds[1]} m.a.s.l.")
print(f"Mean catchment elevation is {ele_cat:.2f} m.a.s.l.")
Layer 'catchment_orig' added to GeoPackage 'output/catchment_data.gpkg'

Catchment elevation ranges from 1970 m to 4791 m.a.s.l.
Mean catchment elevation is 3274.68 m.a.s.l.

We can also add the catchment polygon to the interactive map. This sends it to GEE and allows us to use a GEE function to calculate its area. Please scroll up to see the results on the map.

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catchment = ee.Geometry.Polygon(catchment_shape['coordinates'])
if show_map:
    Map.addLayer(catchment, {}, 'Catchment')

catchment_area = catchment.area().divide(1000*1000).getInfo()
print(f"Catchment area is {catchment_area:.2f} km²")
Catchment area is 301.37 km²
Note: Please make sure to leave some buffer between the catchment outline and the used box (→ Jump to map). If the bounding box is close to the catchment, please extent the box and repeat the DEM download and catchment delineation (→ use Restart Point #1).


  1. The automatically created box for the pouring point (in gray) is not sufficient to cover the entire catchment area; cropped at the eastern edge.

  2. Manually drawn box (in blue) has been added to ensure that the catchment is not cropped → buffer remains on all edges

Example for Cropped Catchment

Determine glaciers in catchment area#

To acquire outlines of all glaciers in the catchment we will rely on latest Randolph Glacier Inventory (RGI 6.0).

The Randolph Glacier Inventory (RGI 6.0) is a global inventory of glacier outlines. It is supplemental to the Global Land Ice Measurements from Space initiative (GLIMS). Production of the RGI was motivated by the Fifth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC AR5). Future updates will be made to the RGI and the GLIMS Glacier Database in parallel during a transition period. As all these data are incorporated into the GLIMS Glacier Database and as download tools are developed to obtain GLIMS data in the RGI data format, the RGI will evolve into a downloadable subset of GLIMS, offering complete one-time coverage, version control, and a standard set of attributes.


The RGI dataset is divided into 19 so called first-order regions.

RGI regions were developed under only three constraints: that they should resemble commonly recognized glacier domains, that together they should contain all of the world’s glaciers, and that their boundaries should be simple and readily recognizable on a map of the world.

Source: Pfeffer 2014

Map of the RGI regions; the red dots indicate the glacier locations and the blue circles the location of the 254 reference WGMS glaciers used by the OGGM calibration

In the first step, the RGI region of the catchment area must be determined to access the correct repository. Therefore, the RGI region outlines will be downloaded from the official website and joined with the catchment outline.

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import geopandas as gpd

# load catcment and RGI regions as DF
catchment = gpd.read_file(output_gpkg, layer='catchment_orig')
df_regions = gpd.read_file('', layer='00_rgi60_O1Regions')
0 Alaska 1 ALA POLYGON ((-133 54.5, -134 54.5, -134 54, -134 ...
1 Alaska 1 ALA POLYGON ((180 50, 179 50, 178 50, 177 50, 176 ...
2 Western Canada and USA 2 WNA POLYGON ((-133 54.5, -132 54.5, -131 54.5, -13...
3 Arctic Canada, North 3 ACN POLYGON ((-125 74, -125 75, -125 76, -125 77, ...
4 Arctic Canada, South 4 ACS POLYGON ((-90 74, -89 74, -88 74, -87 74, -86 ...
5 Greenland Periphery 5 GRL POLYGON ((-75 77, -74.73 77.51, -74.28 78.06, ...
6 Iceland 6 ISL POLYGON ((-26 59, -26 60, -26 61, -26 62, -26 ...
7 Svalbard and Jan Mayen 7 SJM POLYGON ((-10 70, -10 71, -10 72, -10 73, -10 ...
8 Scandinavia 8 SCA POLYGON ((4 70, 4 71, 4 72, 4 73, 4 74, 5 74, ...
9 Russian Arctic 9 RUA POLYGON ((35 70, 35 71, 35 72, 35 73, 35 74, 3...
10 Asia, North 10 ASN POLYGON ((-180 78, -179 78, -178 78, -177 78, ...
11 Asia, North 10 ASN POLYGON ((128 46, 127 46, 126 46, 125 46, 124 ...
12 Central Europe 11 CEU POLYGON ((-6 40, -6 41, -6 42, -6 43, -6 44, -...
13 Caucasus and Middle East 12 CAU POLYGON ((32 31, 32 32, 32 33, 32 34, 32 35, 3...
14 Asia, Central 13 ASC POLYGON ((80 46, 81 46, 82 46, 83 46, 84 46, 8...
15 Asia, South West 14 ASW POLYGON ((75.4 26, 75 26, 74 26, 73 26, 72 26,...
16 Asia, South East 15 ASE POLYGON ((75.4 26, 75.4 27, 75.4 27.62834, 75....
17 Low Latitudes 16 TRP POLYGON ((-100 -25, -100 -24, -100 -23, -100 -...
18 Southern Andes 17 SAN POLYGON ((-62 -45.5, -62 -46, -62 -47, -62 -48...
19 New Zealand 18 NZL POLYGON ((179 -49, 178 -49, 177 -49, 176 -49, ...
20 Antarctic and Subantarctic 19 ANT POLYGON ((-180 -45.5, -179 -45.5, -178 -45.5, ...

For spatial calculations it is crucial to use the correct projection. To avoid inaccuracies due to unit conversions we will project the data to UTM whenever we calculate spatial statistics. The relevant UTM zone and band for the catchment area are determined from the coordinates of the pouring point.

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import utm
from pyproj import CRS

utm_zone = utm.from_latlon(y, x)
print(f"UTM zone '{utm_zone[2]}', band '{utm_zone[3]}'")

# get CRS based on UTM
crs = CRS.from_dict({'proj':'utm', 'zone':utm_zone[2], 'south':False})

catchment_area = catchment.to_crs(crs).area[0] / 1000 / 1000
print(f"Catchment area (projected) is {catchment_area:.2f} km²")
UTM zone '44', band 'T'
Catchment area (projected) is 302.00 km²

Now we can perform a spatial join between the catchment outline and the RGI regions. If the catchment contains any glaciers, the corresponding RGI region is determined in this step.

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df_regions = df_regions.set_crs('EPSG:4326', allow_override=True)
catchment = catchment.to_crs('EPSG:4326')
df_regions_catchment = gpd.sjoin(df_regions, catchment, how="inner", predicate="intersects")

if len(df_regions_catchment.index) == 0:
    print('No area found for catchment')
    rgi_region = None
elif len(df_regions_catchment.index) == 1:
    rgi_region = df_regions_catchment.iloc[0]['RGI_CODE']
    print(f"Catchment belongs to RGI region {rgi_region} ({df_regions_catchment.iloc[0]['FULL_NAME']})")
    print("Catchment belongs to more than one region. This use case is not yet supported.")
    rgi_region = None
Catchment belongs to RGI region 13 (Asia, Central)

In the next step, the glacier inventory outlines for the determined RGI region will be downloaded. A spatial join is performed to determine all glacier outlines that intersect with the catchment area.

Note: Depending on the region and bandwidth, this might take 1 min or longer.
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import urllib.request
import fsspec
import re

if rgi_region != None:
    url = ""  # Replace with the URL of your web server
    html_page = urllib.request.urlopen(url)
    html_content ="utf-8")
    print('Reading Randolph Glacier Inventory 6.0 in GLIMS database...')

    # Use regular expressions to find links to files
    pattern = re.compile(r'href="([^"]+\.zip)"')
    file_links = pattern.findall(html_content)

    for file in file_links:
        splits = file.split("_")
        if splits[0] != str(rgi_region):

        # starting scanning regions
        regionname = splits[0] + " (" + splits[2].split(".")[0] + ")"
        print(f'Locating glacier outlines in RGI Region {regionname}...')

        # read zip into dataframe
        print('Loading shapefiles...')
        path = f"simplecache::{url+file}"
        print('Path:', path)
        with as file:
            rgi = gpd.read_file(file)

        if !=
            print("CRS adjusted")
            catchment = catchment.to_crs(

        # check whether catchment intersects with glaciers of region
        print('Perform spatial join...')
        rgi_catchment = gpd.sjoin(rgi,catchment,how='inner',predicate='intersects')
        if len(rgi_catchment.index) > 0:
            print(f'{len(rgi_catchment.index)} outlines loaded from RGI Region {regionname}\n')
Reading Randolph Glacier Inventory 6.0 in GLIMS database...
Locating glacier outlines in RGI Region 13 (CentralAsia)...
Loading shapefiles...
Path: simplecache::
Perform spatial join...
51 outlines loaded from RGI Region 13 (CentralAsia)

CPU times: user 1.3 s, sys: 699 ms, total: 2 s
Wall time: 11 s

Some glaciers are not actually in the catchment, but intersect its outline. We will first determine their fractional overlap with the target catchment.

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# intersects selects too many. calculate percentage of glacier area that is within catchment
rgi_catchment['rgi_area'] = rgi_catchment.to_crs(crs).area
gdf_joined = gpd.overlay(catchment, rgi_catchment, how='union')
gdf_joined['area_joined'] = gdf_joined.to_crs(crs).area
gdf_joined['share_of_area'] = (gdf_joined['area_joined'] / gdf_joined['rgi_area'] * 100)

results = (gdf_joined
           .groupby(['RGIId', 'LABEL_1'])
           .agg({'share_of_area': 'sum'}))

RGI60-13.06380 1.0 100.000000
RGI60-13.06364 1.0 100.000000
RGI60-13.06355 1.0 100.000000
RGI60-13.06374 1.0 100.000000
RGI60-13.06379 1.0 100.000000
RGI60-13.06373 1.0 100.000000
RGI60-13.06360 1.0 100.000000
RGI60-13.06368 1.0 100.000000
RGI60-13.06376 1.0 100.000000
RGI60-13.06372 1.0 100.000000
RGI60-13.06367 1.0 100.000000
RGI60-13.06369 1.0 100.000000
RGI60-13.06358 1.0 100.000000
RGI60-13.06356 1.0 100.000000
RGI60-13.06361 1.0 100.000000
RGI60-13.06370 1.0 100.000000
RGI60-13.06357 1.0 100.000000
RGI60-13.06366 1.0 100.000000
RGI60-13.06365 1.0 100.000000
RGI60-13.06363 1.0 100.000000
RGI60-13.06362 1.0 100.000000
RGI60-13.07927 1.0 100.000000
RGI60-13.06371 1.0 100.000000
RGI60-13.07926 1.0 100.000000
RGI60-13.06375 1.0 100.000000
RGI60-13.06381 1.0 100.000000
RGI60-13.07719 1.0 100.000000
RGI60-13.07930 1.0 99.910066
RGI60-13.06377 1.0 99.800692
RGI60-13.07718 1.0 99.743848
RGI60-13.06359 1.0 99.707638
RGI60-13.07931 1.0 99.438704
RGI60-13.06378 1.0 99.357849
RGI60-13.06425 1.0 98.842830
RGI60-13.06382 1.0 98.106150
RGI60-13.07717 1.0 97.041495
RGI60-13.06354 1.0 90.109684
RGI60-13.06353 1.0 70.494633
RGI60-13.06397 1.0 7.070227
RGI60-13.06395 1.0 5.427778
RGI60-13.06451 1.0 5.007275
RGI60-13.07891 1.0 2.740915
RGI60-13.06452 1.0 2.458845
RGI60-13.06421 1.0 2.441032
RGI60-13.06396 1.0 2.299352
RGI60-13.06424 1.0 1.298328
RGI60-13.07925 1.0 1.009748
RGI60-13.06426 1.0 0.532787
RGI60-13.06387 1.0 0.149275
RGI60-13.06386 1.0 0.104987
RGI60-13.06454 1.0 0.019441

Now we can filter based on the percentage of shared area. After that the catchment area will be adjusted as follows:

  • ≥50% of the area are in the catchment → include and extend catchment area by full glacier outlines (if needed)

  • <50% of the area are in the catchment → exclude and reduce catchment area by glacier outlines (if needed)

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rgi_catchment_merge = pd.merge(rgi_catchment, results, on="RGIId")
rgi_in_catchment = rgi_catchment_merge.loc[rgi_catchment_merge['share_of_area'] >= 50]
rgi_out_catchment = rgi_catchment_merge.loc[rgi_catchment_merge['share_of_area'] < 50]
catchment_new = gpd.overlay(catchment, rgi_out_catchment, how='difference')
catchment_new = gpd.overlay(catchment_new, rgi_in_catchment, how='union')
catchment_new = catchment_new.dissolve()[['LABEL_1', 'geometry']]

print(f'Total number of determined glacier outlines: {len(rgi_catchment_merge)}')
print(f'Number of included glacier outlines (overlap >= 50%): {len(rgi_in_catchment)}')
print(f'Number of excluded glacier outlines (overlap < 50%): {len(rgi_out_catchment)}')
Total number of determined glacier outlines: 51
Number of included glacier outlines (overlap >= 50%): 38
Number of excluded glacier outlines (overlap < 50%): 13

The RGI-IDs of the remaining glaciers are stored in Glaciers_in_catchment.csv.

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from pathlib import Path
Path(output_folder + 'RGI').mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)

glacier_ids = pd.DataFrame(rgi_in_catchment)
glacier_ids['RGIId'] = glacier_ids['RGIId'].map(lambda x: str(x).lstrip('RGI60-'))
glacier_ids.to_csv(output_folder + 'RGI/' + 'Glaciers_in_catchment.csv', columns=['RGIId', 'GLIMSId'], index=False)
RGIId GLIMSId BgnDate EndDate CenLon CenLat O1Region O2Region Area Zmin ... Form TermType Surging Linkages Name geometry index_right LABEL rgi_area share_of_area
0 13.06353 G078245E42230N 20020825 -9999999 78.245360 42.230246 13 3 0.122 3827 ... 0 0 9 9 None POLYGON ((78.2473 42.22858, 78.24725 42.22858,... 0 1.0 1.224364e+05 70.494633
1 13.06354 G078260E42217N 20020825 -9999999 78.259558 42.216524 13 3 0.269 3788 ... 0 0 9 9 None POLYGON ((78.25962 42.21159, 78.25962 42.21161... 0 1.0 2.689387e+05 90.109684
2 13.06355 G078253E42212N 20020825 -9999999 78.252936 42.211929 13 3 0.177 3640 ... 0 0 9 9 None POLYGON ((78.25481 42.2114, 78.25437 42.21124,... 0 1.0 1.772685e+05 100.000000
3 13.06356 G078242E42208N 20020825 -9999999 78.241914 42.207501 13 3 0.397 3665 ... 0 0 9 9 None POLYGON ((78.24325 42.20383, 78.24278 42.20365... 0 1.0 3.976880e+05 100.000000
4 13.06357 G078259E42209N 20020825 -9999999 78.258704 42.209002 13 3 0.053 3870 ... 0 0 9 9 None POLYGON ((78.2596 42.20812, 78.25958 42.20812,... 0 1.0 5.305518e+04 100.000000
5 13.06358 G078286E42186N 20020825 -9999999 78.285595 42.185778 13 3 0.082 3893 ... 0 0 9 9 None POLYGON ((78.28462 42.18393, 78.28461 42.18394... 0 1.0 8.178833e+04 100.000000
6 13.06359 G078305E42146N 20020825 -9999999 78.304754 42.146142 13 3 4.201 3362 ... 0 0 9 1 Karabatkak Glacier POLYGON ((78.30373 42.14478, 78.30374 42.1449,... 0 1.0 4.202605e+06 99.707638
7 13.06360 G078285E42147N 20020825 -9999999 78.284766 42.146579 13 3 0.253 3689 ... 0 0 9 9 None POLYGON ((78.2866 42.14613, 78.2866 42.14613, ... 0 1.0 2.530299e+05 100.000000
8 13.06361 G078273E42140N 20020825 -9999999 78.272803 42.140310 13 3 2.046 3328 ... 0 0 9 9 None POLYGON ((78.27549 42.13342, 78.27502 42.13358... 0 1.0 2.047230e+06 100.000000
9 13.06362 G078260E42141N 20020825 -9999999 78.260391 42.140731 13 3 0.140 3912 ... 0 0 9 9 None POLYGON ((78.25779 42.1406, 78.25783 42.14063,... 0 1.0 1.402120e+05 100.000000
10 13.06363 G078257E42156N 20020825 -9999999 78.257462 42.156250 13 3 0.120 3586 ... 0 0 9 9 None POLYGON ((78.25477 42.15317, 78.25478 42.15319... 0 1.0 1.198357e+05 100.000000
11 13.06364 G078248E42152N 20020825 -9999999 78.248267 42.151885 13 3 0.488 3763 ... 0 0 9 9 None POLYGON ((78.24228 42.15276, 78.24179 42.15291... 0 1.0 4.878905e+05 100.000000
12 13.06365 G078247E42144N 20020825 -9999999 78.247108 42.143715 13 3 0.455 3772 ... 0 0 9 9 None POLYGON ((78.24121 42.14288, 78.24115 42.14316... 0 1.0 4.554036e+05 100.000000
13 13.06366 G078256E42146N 20020825 -9999999 78.256422 42.145717 13 3 0.064 4091 ... 0 0 9 9 None POLYGON ((78.25781 42.14643, 78.25795 42.14627... 0 1.0 6.394580e+04 100.000000
14 13.06367 G078273E42129N 20020825 -9999999 78.272638 42.128576 13 3 0.838 3886 ... 0 0 9 9 None POLYGON ((78.27334 42.13093, 78.27335 42.13092... 0 1.0 8.380628e+05 100.000000
15 13.06368 G078248E42120N 20020825 -9999999 78.247623 42.120056 13 3 0.130 3783 ... 0 0 9 9 None POLYGON ((78.24502 42.1209, 78.24501 42.12111,... 0 1.0 1.303180e+05 100.000000
16 13.06369 G078235E42101N 20020825 -9999999 78.235414 42.101281 13 3 1.530 3542 ... 0 0 9 9 None POLYGON ((78.22665 42.09609, 78.22619 42.09593... 0 1.0 1.530797e+06 100.000000
17 13.06370 G078176E42094N 20020825 -9999999 78.175621 42.094369 13 3 0.051 3715 ... 0 0 9 9 None POLYGON ((78.17538 42.09485, 78.17582 42.0949,... 0 1.0 5.125522e+04 100.000000
18 13.06371 G078177E42081N 20020825 -9999999 78.177069 42.081380 13 3 0.079 4111 ... 0 0 9 9 None POLYGON ((78.17566 42.08282, 78.17543 42.08271... 0 1.0 7.865735e+04 100.000000
19 13.06372 G078179E42089N 20020825 -9999999 78.178560 42.088990 13 3 1.188 3717 ... 0 0 9 9 None POLYGON ((78.18269 42.08684, 78.18287 42.08685... 0 1.0 1.189120e+06 100.000000
20 13.06373 G078167E42090N 20020825 -9999999 78.166618 42.090111 13 3 0.053 3711 ... 0 0 9 9 None POLYGON ((78.16486 42.09286, 78.16512 42.09265... 0 1.0 5.341084e+04 100.000000
21 13.06374 G078164E42077N 20020825 -9999999 78.163706 42.077043 13 3 0.242 3821 ... 0 0 9 9 None POLYGON ((78.16123 42.07615, 78.16121 42.07647... 0 1.0 2.422097e+05 100.000000
22 13.06375 G078169E42079N 20020825 -9999999 78.169405 42.078847 13 3 0.210 3954 ... 0 0 9 9 None POLYGON ((78.16569 42.08133, 78.16569 42.08144... 0 1.0 2.103233e+05 100.000000
23 13.06376 G078141E42092N 20020825 -9999999 78.140577 42.092421 13 3 0.312 3789 ... 0 0 9 9 None POLYGON ((78.14342 42.09126, 78.14307 42.0911,... 0 1.0 3.125316e+05 100.000000
24 13.06377 G078137E42098N 20020825 -9999999 78.137046 42.097894 13 3 0.262 3833 ... 0 0 9 9 None POLYGON ((78.13993 42.09554, 78.13922 42.09586... 0 1.0 2.623176e+05 99.800692
25 13.06378 G078142E42102N 20020825 -9999999 78.142325 42.101983 13 3 0.104 3917 ... 0 0 9 9 None POLYGON ((78.14482 42.10282, 78.14487 42.10251... 0 1.0 1.044770e+05 99.357849
26 13.06379 G078149E42104N 20020825 -9999999 78.149436 42.104376 13 3 0.202 3816 ... 0 0 9 9 None POLYGON ((78.14606 42.10367, 78.14607 42.1037,... 0 1.0 2.018695e+05 100.000000
27 13.06380 G078164E42125N 20020825 -9999999 78.163621 42.125311 13 3 0.557 3619 ... 0 0 9 9 None POLYGON ((78.16573 42.12234, 78.16524 42.12175... 0 1.0 5.575186e+05 100.000000
28 13.06381 G078153E42181N 20020825 -9999999 78.153380 42.180904 13 3 0.461 3615 ... 0 0 9 9 None POLYGON ((78.15813 42.18126, 78.15832 42.18113... 0 1.0 4.607761e+05 100.000000
29 13.06382 G078144E42185N 20020825 -9999999 78.144120 42.185207 13 3 0.162 3664 ... 0 0 9 9 None POLYGON ((78.14286 42.18766, 78.14289 42.18785... 0 1.0 1.618856e+05 98.106150
37 13.06425 G078148E42061N 20020825 -9999999 78.147941 42.060576 13 3 2.110 3626 ... 0 0 9 9 None POLYGON ((78.13917 42.05947, 78.13898 42.05981... 0 1.0 2.111295e+06 98.842830
42 13.07717 G078158E42059N 20020825 -9999999 78.158126 42.059389 13 3 0.115 4295 ... 0 0 9 9 None POLYGON ((78.15995 42.06078, 78.16006 42.06067... 0 1.0 1.149899e+05 97.041495
43 13.07718 G078157E42064N 20020825 -9999999 78.156536 42.063639 13 3 0.137 3996 ... 0 0 9 9 None POLYGON ((78.16032 42.06117, 78.16003 42.06088... 0 1.0 1.365792e+05 99.743848
44 13.07719 G078162E42069N 20020825 -9999999 78.162144 42.069490 13 3 1.541 3673 ... 0 0 9 9 None POLYGON ((78.17268 42.07346, 78.17306 42.073, ... 0 1.0 1.542085e+06 100.000000
47 13.07926 G078270E42120N 20020825 -9999999 78.270069 42.119547 13 3 2.825 3580 ... 0 0 9 9 None POLYGON ((78.28974 42.11692, 78.28933 42.1166,... 0 1.0 2.825799e+06 100.000000
48 13.07927 G078263E42108N 20020825 -9999999 78.262621 42.108208 13 3 2.422 3517 ... 0 0 9 9 None POLYGON ((78.28017 42.11207, 78.28018 42.11191... 0 1.0 2.423234e+06 100.000000
49 13.07930 G078187E42078N 20020825 -9999999 78.186730 42.077626 13 3 3.804 3499 ... 0 0 9 9 None POLYGON ((78.19163 42.07564, 78.19154 42.07561... 0 1.0 3.805955e+06 99.910066
50 13.07931 G078212E42082N 20020825 -9999999 78.212159 42.082173 13 3 3.611 3397 ... 0 0 9 9 None POLYGON ((78.20858 42.09121, 78.20871 42.09088... 0 1.0 3.612619e+06 99.438704

38 rows × 27 columns

With an updated glacier outline we can now determine the final area of the catchment and the part covered by glaciers.

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catchment_new['area'] = catchment_new.to_crs(crs)['geometry'].area
area_glac = rgi_in_catchment.to_crs(crs)['geometry'].area

area_glac = area_glac.sum()/1000000
area_cat = catchment_new.iloc[0]['area']/1000000
cat_cent = catchment_new.to_crs(crs).centroid
lat = cat_cent.to_crs('EPSG:4326').y[0]

print(f"New catchment area is {area_cat:.2f} km²")
print(f"Glacierized catchment area is {area_glac:.2f} km²")
New catchment area is 300.66 km²
Glacierized catchment area is 31.83 km²

The files just created are added to the existing geopackage…

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rgi_in_catchment.to_file(output_gpkg, layer='rgi_in', driver='GPKG')
print(f"Layer 'rgi_in' added to GeoPackage '{output_gpkg}'")

rgi_out_catchment.to_file(output_gpkg, layer='rgi_out', driver='GPKG')
print(f"Layer 'rgi_out' added to GeoPackage '{output_gpkg}'")

catchment_new.to_file(output_gpkg, layer='catchment_new', driver='GPKG')
print(f"Layer 'catchment_new' added to GeoPackage '{output_gpkg}'")
Layer 'rgi_in' added to GeoPackage 'output/catchment_data.gpkg'
Layer 'rgi_out' added to GeoPackage 'output/catchment_data.gpkg'
Layer 'catchment_new' added to GeoPackage 'output/catchment_data.gpkg'

…and can also be added to the interactive map…

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c_new = geemap.geopandas_to_ee(catchment_new)
rgi = geemap.geopandas_to_ee(rgi_in_catchment)

if show_map:
    Map.addLayer(c_new, {'color': 'orange'}, "Catchment New")
    Map.addLayer(rgi, {'color': 'white'}, "RGI60")
    print('New layers added.')
New layers added.

Jump to map to see the results.

…or combined in a simple plot.

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fig, ax = plt.subplots()
plt.scatter(x, y, facecolor='blue', s=100)
plt.title("Catchment Area with Pouring Point and Glaciers")

After adding the new catchment area to GEE, we can easily calculate the mean catchment elevation in meters above sea level.

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ele_cat = image.reduceRegion(ee.Reducer.mean(),
print(f"Mean catchment elevation (adjusted) is {ele_cat:.2f} m a.s.l.")
Mean catchment elevation (adjusted) is 3271.90 m a.s.l.

Interim Summary:#

So far we have…

  • …delineated the catchment and determined its area,

  • …calculated the average elevation of the catchment,

  • …identified the glaciers in the catchment and calculated their combined area.

In the next step, we will create a glacier profile to determine how the ice is distributed over the elevation range.

Retrieve ice thickness rasters and corresponding DEM files#

Determining ice thickness from remotely sensed data is a challenging task. Fortunately, Farinotti (2019) calculated an ensemble estimate of different methods for all glaciers in RGI6 and made the data available to the public.

The published repository contains…

(a) the ice thickness distribution of individual glaciers,
(b) global grids at various resolutions with summary-information about glacier number, area, and volume, and
(c) the digital elevation models of the glacier surfaces used to produce the estimates.

Nomenclature for glaciers and regions follows the Randolph Glacier Inventory (RGI) version 6.0.

Source: Farinotti 2019 - README

The ice thickness rasters (a) and aligned DEMs (c) are the perfect input data for our glacier profile. The files are selected and downloaded by their RGI IDs and stored in the output folder.

Since the original files hosted by ETH Zurich are stored in large archives, we cut the dataset into smaller slices and reupload them according to the respective license to make them searchable, improve performance, and limit traffic.

First, we identify the relevant archives for our set of glacier IDs.

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def getArchiveNames(row):
    region = row['RGIId'].split('.')[0]
    id = (int(row['RGIId'].split('.')[1]) - 1) // 1000 + 1
    return f'ice_thickness_{region}_{id}', f'dem_surface_DEM_{region}_{id}'

# determine relevant .zip files for derived RGI IDs 
df_rgiids = pd.DataFrame(rgi_in_catchment['RGIId'].sort_values())
df_rgiids[['thickness', 'dem']] = df_rgiids.apply(getArchiveNames, axis=1, result_type='expand')
zips_thickness = df_rgiids['thickness'].drop_duplicates()
zips_dem = df_rgiids['dem'].drop_duplicates()

print(f'Thickness archives:\t{zips_thickness.tolist()}')
print(f'DEM archives:\t\t{zips_dem.tolist()}')
Thickness archives:	['ice_thickness_RGI60-13_7', 'ice_thickness_RGI60-13_8']
DEM archives:		['dem_surface_DEM_RGI60-13_7', 'dem_surface_DEM_RGI60-13_8']

The archives are stored on a file server at the Humboldt University of Berlin, which provides limited read access to this notebook. The corresponding credentials and API key are defined in the config.ini file. The next step is to identify the corresponding resource references for the previously identified archives.

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from resourcespace import ResourceSpace

# use guest credentials to access media server 
api_base_url = config['MEDIA_SERVER']['api_base_url']
private_key = config['MEDIA_SERVER']['private_key']
user = config['MEDIA_SERVER']['user']

myrepository = ResourceSpace(api_base_url, user, private_key)

# get resource IDs for each .zip file
refs_thickness = pd.DataFrame(myrepository.get_collection_resources(12))[['ref', 'file_size', 'file_extension', 'field8']]
refs_dem = pd.DataFrame(myrepository.get_collection_resources(21))[['ref', 'file_size', 'file_extension', 'field8']]

# reduce list of resources two required zip files 
refs_thickness = pd.merge(zips_thickness, refs_thickness, left_on='thickness', right_on='field8')
refs_dem = pd.merge(zips_dem, refs_dem, left_on='dem', right_on='field8')

print(f'Thickness archive references:\n')
print(f'DEM archive references:\n')
Thickness archive references:
thickness ref file_size file_extension field8
0 ice_thickness_RGI60-13_7 26948 4397086 zip ice_thickness_RGI60-13_7
1 ice_thickness_RGI60-13_8 26986 5380873 zip ice_thickness_RGI60-13_8
DEM archive references:
dem ref file_size file_extension field8
0 dem_surface_DEM_RGI60-13_7 27206 8669226 zip dem_surface_DEM_RGI60-13_7
1 dem_surface_DEM_RGI60-13_8 27187 11160282 zip dem_surface_DEM_RGI60-13_8

Again, depending on the number of files and bandwidth, this may take a moment. Let’s start with the ice thickness

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import requests
from zipfile import ZipFile
import io

cnt_thickness = 0
file_names_thickness = []
for idx, row in refs_thickness.iterrows():
    content = myrepository.get_resource_file(row['ref'], row['file_extension'])    
    with ZipFile(io.BytesIO(content), 'r') as zipObj:
        # Get a list of all archived file names from the zip
        listOfFileNames = zipObj.namelist()
        for rgiid in df_rgiids.loc[df_rgiids['thickness'] == row['field8']]['RGIId']:
            filename = rgiid + '_thickness.tif'
            if filename in listOfFileNames:
                cnt_thickness += 1
                zipObj.extract(filename, output_folder+'RGI')
                print(f'File not found: {filename}')
print(f'{cnt_thickness} files have been extracted (ice thickness)')
38 files have been extracted (ice thickness)
CPU times: user 142 ms, sys: 85.5 ms, total: 227 ms
Wall time: 12.4 s

…and continue with the matching DEMs.

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cnt_dem = 0
file_names_dem = []
for idx,row in refs_dem.iterrows():   
    content = myrepository.get_resource_file(row['ref'])    
    with ZipFile(io.BytesIO(content), 'r') as zipObj:
        # Get a list of all archived file names from the zip
        listOfFileNames = zipObj.namelist()
        for rgiid in df_rgiids.loc[df_rgiids['dem']==row['field8']]['RGIId']:
            filename = f"surface_DEM_{rgiid}.tif"
            if filename in listOfFileNames:
                cnt_dem += 1
                zipObj.extract(filename, output_folder+'RGI')
                print(f'File not found: {filename}')
print(f'{cnt_dem} files have been extracted (DEM)')
38 files have been extracted (DEM)
CPU times: user 207 ms, sys: 97.9 ms, total: 305 ms
Wall time: 10.3 s
Note: Please check whether all files have been extracted to the output folder without error messages and the number of files matches the number of glaciers.
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if len(rgi_in_catchment) == cnt_thickness == cnt_dem:
    print(f"Number of files matches the number of glaciers within catchment: {len(rgi_in_catchment)}")
    print("There is a mismatch of extracted files. Please check previous steps for error messages!")
    print(f'Number of included glaciers:\t{len(rgi_in_catchment)}')
    print(f'Ice thickness files:\t\t{cnt_thickness}')
    print(f'DEM files:\t\t\t{cnt_dem}')
Number of files matches the number of glaciers within catchment: 38

Glacier profile creation#

The glacier profile is used to pass the distribution of ice mass in the catchment to the glacio-hydrological model in Notebook 4, following the approach of Seibert The model then calculates the annual mass balance and redistributes the ice mass accordingly.

To derive the profile from spatially distributed data, we first stack the ice thickness and corresponding DEM rasters for each glacier and create tuples of ice thickness and elevation values.

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from osgeo import gdal

df_all = pd.DataFrame()
if cnt_thickness != cnt_dem:
    print('Number of ice thickness raster files does not match number of DEM raster files!')
    for idx, rgiid in enumerate(df_rgiids['RGIId']):
        if rgiid in file_names_thickness[idx] and rgiid in file_names_dem[idx]:
            file_list = [
                output_folder + 'RGI/' + file_names_thickness[idx],
                output_folder + 'RGI/' + file_names_dem[idx]
            array_list = []

            # Read arrays
            for file in file_list:
                src = gdal.Open(file)
                geotransform = src.GetGeoTransform() # Could be done more elegantly outside the for loop
                projection = src.GetProjectionRef()
                pixelSizeX = geotransform[1]
                pixelSizeY =-geotransform[5]                
                src = None
            df = pd.DataFrame()
            df['thickness'] = array_list[0].flatten()
            df['altitude'] = array_list[1].flatten()
            df_all = pd.concat([df_all, df])

            print(f'Raster files do not match for {rgiid}')

print("Ice thickness and elevations rasters stacked")
print("Value pairs created")
Ice thickness and elevations rasters stacked
Value pairs created

Now we can remove all data points with zero ice thickness and aggregate all data points into 10m elevation zones. The next step is to calculate the water equivalent (WE) from the average ice thickness in each elevation zone.

The result is exported to the output folder as glacier_profile.csv.

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if len(df_all) > 0:
    df_all = df_all.loc[df_all['thickness'] > 0]
    # get min/max altitude considering catchment and all glaciers
    alt_min = 10*int(min(catchment_bounds[0],df_all['altitude'].min())/10)
    alt_max = max(catchment_bounds[1],df_all['altitude'].max())+10
    # create bins in 10m steps
    bins = np.arange(alt_min, df_all['altitude'].max()+10, 10)
    # aggregate per bin and do some math
    df_agg = df_all.groupby(pd.cut(df_all['altitude'], bins))['thickness'].agg(count='size', mean='mean').reset_index()
    df_agg['Elevation'] = df_agg['altitude'].apply(lambda x: x.left).astype(int)
    df_agg['Area'] = df_agg['count']*pixelSizeX*pixelSizeY / catchment_new.iloc[0]['area']
    df_agg['WE'] = df_agg['mean']*0.908*1000
    df_agg['EleZone'] = df_agg['Elevation'].apply(lambda x: 100*int(x/100))
    # delete empty elevation bands but keep at least one entry per elevation zone
    df_agg.drop(['altitude', 'count', 'mean'], axis=1, inplace=True)
    df_agg = df_agg.replace(np.nan, 0)
    df_agg.to_csv(output_folder + 'glacier_profile.csv', header=True, index=False)
    print('Glacier profile for catchment created!\n')
Glacier profile for catchment created!
Elevation Area WE EleZone
0 1970 0.000000 0.000000 1900
3 2000 0.000000 0.000000 2000
13 2100 0.000000 0.000000 2100
23 2200 0.000000 0.000000 2200
33 2300 0.000000 0.000000 2300
... ... ... ... ...
276 4730 0.000023 20721.369141 4700
277 4740 0.000012 14450.217773 4700
278 4750 0.000006 10551.472656 4700
279 4760 0.000000 0.000000 4700
281 4780 0.000002 6084.745605 4700

161 rows × 4 columns

Let’s visualize the glacier profile. First we aggregate the ice mass in larger elevation zones for better visibility. The level of aggregation can be adjusted using the variable steps (default is 20m).

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# aggregation level for plot -> feel free to adjust
steps = 20

# get elevation range where glaciers are present
we_range = df_agg.loc[df_agg['WE'] > 0]['Elevation']
we_range.min() // steps * steps
plt_zones = pd.Series(range(int(we_range.min() // steps * steps), 
                            int(we_range.max() // steps * steps + steps), 
                            steps), name='EleZone').to_frame().set_index('EleZone')

# calculate glacier mass and aggregate glacier profile to defined elevation steps
plt_data = df_agg.copy()
plt_data['EleZone'] = plt_data['Elevation'].apply(lambda x: int(x // steps * steps))
plt_data['Mass'] = plt_data['Area'] * catchment_new.iloc[0]['area'] * plt_data['WE'] * 1e-9 # mass in Mt
plt_data = plt_data.drop(['Area', 'WE'], axis=1).groupby('EleZone').sum().reset_index().set_index('EleZone')
plt_data = plt_zones.join(plt_data)
Elevation Mass
3320 6650 0.061096
3340 6690 0.485334
3360 6730 1.311347
3380 6770 2.808075
3400 6810 5.413687
... ... ...
4700 9410 0.410695
4720 9450 0.402655
4740 9490 0.073972
4760 4760 0.000000
4780 4780 0.003803

74 rows × 2 columns

Now, we can plot the estimated glacier mass (in Mt) for each elevation zone.

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import matplotlib.ticker as ticker

fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(4,5))
plt_data.plot.barh(y='Mass', ax=ax)
ax.set_xlabel("Glacier mass [Mt]")
ax.set_ylabel("Elevation zone [m a.s.l.]")
plt.title("Initial Ice Distribution")

Finally, we calculate the average glacier elevation in meters above sea level.

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ele_glac = round(df_all.altitude.mean(), 2)
print(f'Average glacier elevation in the catchment: {ele_glac:.2f} m a.s.l.')
Average glacier elevation in the catchment: 4001.88 m a.s.l.

Store calculated values for other notebooks#

Create a settings.yml and store the relevant catchment information for the model setup:

  • area_cat: area of the catchment in km²

  • ele_cat: average elevation of the catchment in m.a.s.l.

  • area_glac: glacier covered area as of 2000 in km²

  • ele_glac: average elevation of glacier covered area in m.a.s.l.

  • lat: latitude of catchment centroid

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import yaml

settings = {'area_cat': float(area_cat),
            'ele_cat': float(ele_cat),
            'area_glac': float(area_glac),
            'ele_glac': float(ele_glac),
            'lat': float(lat)
with open(output_folder + 'settings.yml', 'w') as f:
    yaml.safe_dump(settings, f)

print('Settings saved to file.')
Settings saved to file.
area_cat 300.663718
ele_cat 3271.895648
area_glac 31.829413
ele_glac 4001.879883
lat 42.185117

You can now continue with Notebook 2 or …

Optional: Download Outputs#

Note: The output folder is zipped at the end of each notebook and can be downloaded (file This is especially useful if you want to use the binder environment again, but don't want to start over from Notebook 1.


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import shutil

shutil.make_archive('output_download', 'zip', 'output')
print('Output folder can be download now (file')

Now reset the variables and clear buffer.

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%reset -f